Enhanced section views creation
(Digitally signed)
Easily arrange Autodesk® Civil 3D® section views for a compacted layout
Section view creation in Autodesk® Civil 3D® is quite complicated with lots of parameters. Section views elevation range is hard to control & plot pages often leave large blanks.
This App will help ease the section view task by adding the following features:
Flexible section views arrangement: Number of section views per row/ column is fixed by users
New method for determining elevation range: Elevation range is now implicitly set through the minimum distance below & above sections
Configuration saved to file: Previous session parameters are auto saved on Exit, and manually Reload if needed
Enhanced style setting table: Section name replaced by Section source name, also a source type column is added for clarification
Know more about Individual section views
App creates Individual section views, NOT section view group. The following pros & cons of individual section views created by this App should be aware of:
Each section view can be manually moved to another position. Position not changed after an update event (eg: annotation scale changed, nearby section view deleted);
Elevation range is implicitly calculated for each section view & recalibration for a section view row; which can minimize blanks & save plot paper;
Section views offset range should not be less than the left & right Offset value of sample lines;
When annotation scale change, section views should be deleted and re-created;
Section view bandset cannot be replaced after creation (a critical error will occur if doing so).
General usage instructions:
The procedures of section views creation, in brief, can be divided into 5 steps:
Select alignment, sample line group & sample lines to draw section views;
Set the number of section views per page, row & column gap, paper size;
Set the minimum distance above and below each section view's sections;
Set the label set and section style/ code set style for sections;
Set the section view bandset;
Click "Draw individual section views" to see results.
Previous settings are saved on exit & can be reloaded by "Reload last state" button
Additional information
This App is written for METRIC drawing. Imperial drawing may make use of this App, but the result may be unexpected
This App works with Autodesk Civil 3D 64-bit versions 2016 and above.
Section views created a group in Individual section views category. Do NOT change section view Band set after created.
The maximum total number of individual section views for each alignment that can created by this App is limited at 380 items, including duplicated ones. If users want to create more section views, it is recommended to use Datashortcut & divide the section views into 2 or more files to minimize performance penalty.
More features on the way:
Automatically insert Title block references and create sheet layout for plotting (in progress...);
Automatically add sample line stations as corridor frequencies to remove minor deviations at surface intersection points (in progress...);
Hide band set title from the second section view column to save more space (in progress...);
Save/ Load configuration file manually to disk (in progress...);
Support Imperial scale and paper size (considering...);
Download links from Autodesk App Store:
Beta update V1.0.5
Download from Autodesk App Store V1.2.0
App is digitally signed.