Block From Excel
(Attribute Block instances creation from Excel®)
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Easy way to maintain data integrity between Autodesk® AutoCAD® and Microsoft® Excel®
Autodesk® AutoCAD® block & block with attributes is great; Microsoft® Excel® worksheet Autofill is also marvelous. Why don't we combine them?
This app is designed to make use of both of the above great features in one place:
Here are the main features:
(1) You can batch-create block references with attributes' content read from an Excel worksheet. Each worksheet column can be set corresponding to an attribute tag; each worksheet row text data corresponds to a block reference attributes' values;
(2) You can batch-create block references with dynamic properties' value read from an Excel worksheet. Each worksheet column can be set corresponding to a dynamic property; each worksheet row text data corresponds to a block reference dynamic property's values;
(3) For further mass production improvement, block names can also be read from an Excel column. That means multi-block types can be inserted with a single click;
(4) For further automation, field attributes cloning from an existing block reference to other block references are also supported;
(5) A sub-option for insertion of block references through all layouts (except Model space) in X, Y positioning mode is available;
Note: Features (2), (4) are not available in Free version
Typical usage scenarios are
Insert structure block refs along profile/ alignment (eg: manhole block, pier/abutment block, culvert block, traffic sign block, tree block....)
Insert description/comment block refs for those structure along profile/ alignment
There are countless applications of this app, here are some of them:
Spread piers along a polyline alignment based on piers distances measured from abutment A0;
Spread culverts and comments along a Civil 3D alignment based on culvert station, offset;
Spread water level comments along a profile view based on station, level;
Spread boreholes with comments based on coordinates;
How block references are positioned
Data required for positioning block references in drawing are also retrieved from worksheet, same mechanic as attribute, except the data type is numeric. Block references can be positioned by one of the following manners:
(1) along a profile view;
(2) by X, Y coordinates values in WCS;
(3) along a 2D polyline;
(4) along a Civil 3D alignment (Option (4) only available in Autodesk® Civil 3D® application).
Coordinates issue
Typically, App works with World Coordinates System (WCS) and Model space.
If an User Coordinate System (UCS) was used in model, an implicitly transformation to WCS is applied; App also works in Paper space (Layout) or inside an active Viewport, but in such cases, it is recommended that users should double check the results before mass production.
General usage instructions:
The procedures, in brief, can be divided in 4 steps:
Defined a block (with or without attributes) then run this App;
Pre-selected data range (rows & columns) in Microsoft® Excel® worksheet. Press "Activate Excel" to find out which instance is linked (usually the last open worksheet);
Select macro mode (A) and match block refs. positioning parameters with Excel columns (B);
(Optional) Match attributes with Excel columns (C);
Click "Insert block references" to see results.
Additional information
A version for BricsCAD x64 from V20 to V25 is available.
This app may works with Autodesk AutoCAD/Civil 3D/AutoCAD Map 3D/AutoCAD Architecture versions from 2015 and above.
From version or any Apps that published/ updated after 30/6/2022, Apps will exactly bind to their parent instance. User can open multi AutoCAD and its verticals instances of any versions;
Version bugs fixed:
- Message "Unknown Error" or "Method not found ..." shows in 2021 version when run the App;
- Message "This App will NOT work properly if it is called from a Non-Active instance" shows in when run the App with a drawing which has Data shortcuts;
- App not works when another version of AutoCAD/Civil 3D/ AutoCAD Map 3D/AutoCAD Architecture opens at the moment between host Autodesk application open and App call;
- Block list shows with a click then disappear after mouse button releases.